Tony H. is a BCBA and chair of a local behavioral review committee. During the last several meetings he has

Tony H. is a BCBA and chair of a local behavioral review committee. During the last several meetings he has had his colleague Jack who is working towards getting his BCBA provide training to parents and teachers on applied behavior analytic interventions. Jack is presenting on appropriate topics, but is using technical vocabulary. The parents and teachers are getting very frustrated in his sessions because of his use of this vocabulary and are having a hard time understanding what he is talking about.

What rating on the BARS (behaviorally anchored rating system) would you assign this case?

Group of answer choices

a. Level 1 because it is within the certificant’s authority to resolve, involves only minor violations of ethics codes and/or clients rights

b. Level 6 because there are legal issues involved, complicated politics with multiple agencies, and serious risk of harm to the client and BCBA

c. Level 4 because there is serious violations of ethics codes and probable harm to the client, and it not within the authority of the BCBA to solve.

d. Level 3 because there is increased probability of harm, serious violations of ethics codes and client’s rights, and it is not within the BCBA’s authority to resolve with assistance from others.

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