procurement plan for the project provided by your instructor. Changing topics is not permitted.

procurement plan for the project provided by your instructor. Changing topics is not permitted.

You must procurement plan based on the course materials. Do not use a template from an external source.

Use multiple sources to develop your understanding of the project procurement process. Recommended starting points

Kerzner eText

PMBOK® Guide

Course material

Create a professional looking document that includes table of contents, and bibliography. APA standards must be followed.

Assignment length: minimum excluding, table of contents and bibliography pages.

Submit your assignment to the drop box: Assignment 1. Only one submission is permitted. Therefore, ensure that work before it’s submitted to the drop box.
Your organization strongly supports the goals of the United Nations’ PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education). The organization has begun its first PRME project, a high priority and highly visible initiative. You have been named project manager.

The project will identify and establish ongoing relationships with corporate partners worldwide. The partnerships will promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound educational technologies to developing countries on favorable terms, including concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed. Educational technology for this project will be a content delivery platform for elementary and secondary school organizations. D2L (eConestoga) is an example of this technology.

It is expected that several partners will be required to fulfill all the needs of the school organizations. Preference will be given to partners in developing nations, partners with visible minorities and women as the majority shareholders.

Partners should be ready to work with school organizations on January 1, 2024.

Partners may have one or more of the following responsibilities.

Develop and build educational technologies.
Customize technology to fit the needs of the school organization.
Install the technology in the school system.
Train teachers in how to use the technology in their first language.
Create training materials for students.
Deliver periodic upgrades to the technology as well as ongoing user support.

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