Note: Please help me understand this code. You don’t need to explain all code but one with only a bold line. . I’m all confused, please explain what’s going on in each line.
package CH02_LowArray;
class LowArray
private long[] a; // ref to array a
public LowArray(int size) // constructor
{ a = new long[size]; } // create an array
public void setElem(int index, long value) // set value
{ a[index] = value; }
public long getElem(int index) // get value
{ return a[index]; }
} // end class LowArray
package CH02_LowArray;
class LowArrayApp
public static void main(String[] args)
LowArray arr; // reference
arr = new LowArray(100); // create LowArray object
int nElems = 0; // number of items in array
int j; // loop variable
arr.setElem(0, 77); // insert 10 items
arr.setElem(1, 99);
arr.setElem(2, 44);
arr.setElem(3, 55);
arr.setElem(4, 22);
arr.setElem(5, 88);
arr.setElem(6, 11);
arr.setElem(7, 00);
arr.setElem(8, 66);
arr.setElem(9, 33);
nElems = 10; // now 10 items in array
for(j=0; j