LockADT – Show the interface and all abstract methods

LockADT – Show the interface and all abstract methods
LockDataStructureClass – Show the following methods: default constructor, overloaded constructor, copy constructor, setX, setY, setZ, alter (change the lock’s combination to the numbers passed) turn (use for loops to show the dial turning), close (locks the lock), attempt (tries to unlock the lock – calls turn( ), inquire (locked or unlocked), current (returns the number the dial is pointing to), toString

LockClientDemoClass – You should have a Lock object instantiated and a menu method that displays:

1: set lock combination

2: close lock

3: check status

4: attempt to open lock

5: check what the dial is currently pointing at

6: exit the program

Example of turning the lock:

First number (17): 0 39 38 37 … 0 39 38 …17

Second number (26): 17 18 19 … 38 39 0 1 2 … 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Third number (9): 26 25 24 23 …. 12 11 10 9 (go directly to the number)

Demonstrate all behaviors (actions, methods) of the lock.

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