Complete the OrderApp program below that uses the getCost() method to calculate the cost for some number

Complete the OrderApp program below that uses the getCost() method to calculate the cost for some number of t-shirts, hoodies, or shorts. There is a $6.00 surcharge for each size x-large item.

Here is the expected output for the program:
$ java OrderApp

5 t-shirts, size medium: $50.00

2 hoodies, size x-large: $72.00

3 shorts, size small: $45.00

Here is the program that you must complete using the provided enumerations and class constants:
import java.util.*;

public class OrderApp {

public enum Size {SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, XLARGE}

public enum Item {TSHIRT, HOODIE, SHORTS}

public static final int TSHIRT_COST = 10;

public static final int HOODIE_COST = 30;

public static final int SHORTS_COST = 15;

public static final int XLARGE_SURCHARGE = 6;

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println(“\n5 t-shirts, size medium: $” + getCost(/* Add Code Here */) + “.00”);

System.out.println(“\n2 hoodies, size x-large: $” + getCost(/* Add Code Here */) + “.00”);

System.out.println(“\n3 shorts, size small: $” + getCost(/* Add Code Here */) + “.00”);


public static int getCost(Item i, Size s, int number) {

//Add code here

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