write the function to get correct output

write the function to get correct output


* Problem 2: c.reate an HTML


* A

* how we might use HTML to include a video:




* Our

* be played. We can also include lots of other attributes, for example:


* – loop: whether or not to loop the video (restart it) when it ends

* – muted: whether or not to start the video muted


* Write the createVideo() function to accept three arguments (src, loop, muted),

* and return the properly formatted


* createVideo(‘https://archive.org/download/BigBuckBunny_124/Content/big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.mp4’);


* should return the following string of HTML:


* ‘


* createVideo(‘https://archive.org/download/BigBuckBunny_124/Content/big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.mp4’, true, true);


* should return the following string of HTML (NOTE: the `loop` and `muted` attributes):


* ‘


* If either of `loop` or `muted` are not `true`, leave them out of the

* resulting


* The returned


* – Remove any leading/trailing whitespace from `src` before you use it

* – The `src` value should be wrapped in double-quotes (e.g., src=”…”)

* – There should be a single space between the end of one attribute and start of the next (e.g., src=”…” loop)

* – The `loop` and `muted` attributes should only be added if their value is `true`


* @param {string} src – the src URL for the video

* @param {boolean|undefined} loop – whether to include the `loop` attribute or not

* @param {boolean|undefined} muted – whether to include the `muted` attribute or not

* @returns {string} – the HTML string for the


function createVideo(src, loop, muted) {

// Replace this comment with your code…



const { createVideo } = require(‘./solutions’);

describe(‘Problem 2 – createVideo() function’, function () {


let src = ‘https://web222.ca’;

let result = createVideo(src);




let src = ‘ https://web222.ca ‘;

let result = createVideo(src);




let src = ‘https://web222.ca’;

let loop = true;

let result = createVideo(src, loop);




let src = ‘https://web222.ca’;

let loop = ‘true’;

let result = createVideo(src, loop);




let src = ‘https://web222.ca’;

let muted = true;

let result = createVideo(src, false, muted);




let src = ‘https://web222.ca’;

let muted = ‘true’;

let result = createVideo(src, false, muted);




let src = ‘https://web222.ca’;

expect(createVideo(src, false, false)).toBe(‘‘);

expect(createVideo(src, true, false)).toBe(‘‘);

expect(createVideo(src, false, true)).toBe(‘‘);

// Allow the order of loop and muted to be reversed (i.e., it doesn’t matter which is first)

const videoRe = /^

expect(createVideo(src, true, true)).toEqual(expect.stringMatching(videoRe));



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