Qurstion 5 :M You have learned how to calculate lcm(a, b) using the prime factorisations of a and b. Your task is to complete the stub function lcm(a, b) to implement this behaviour. In your solution you should use the Python Counter class to represent a multiset, and make use of the included helper function prime_factors(n) to generate a list of prime factors for each input.
#%% Provided functions for Question 5
from math import floor, sqrt
def primes(n):
”’Returns the set of primes between 2 and n, inclusive.”’
primes = {2} | set(range(3, n+1, 2)) #{2, odd numbers up to n}
for k in range(2, floor(sqrt(n)) + 1):
if k in primes:
primes.difference_update( range(k**2, n+1, 2*k) )
return primes
def primes_list(n):
”’Returns a sorted list of primes between 2 and n, inclusive.”’
return sorted(primes(n))
def prime_factors(n):
”’Returns the list of prime factors of n.”’
factors = []
iprimes = iter(primes_list(n))
while n > 1:
p = next(iprimes)
while n % p == 0:
n = n // p
return factors
# End of provided functions