create a python program that asks the user to input three floating-point numbers x, y, and z. Then, output (x plus y) to the power of z, x to the power of (y to the power of z), the absolute value of (z minus x), and the square root of ((y plus x) divided by z). Use math functions whenever applicable and e for scientific notation (format specifier).
Ex: If x = 6.0, y = 8.5, z = 2.1, your code should display the result of each operation separate by |, and with one digit after the decimal point as shown below. For this use output formatting tools (you can not use round(), use ).
274.7 | 4.3e+69 | 3.9 | 2.6
create a program that asks the user to input an integer representing a 10-digit phone number and your code must turn this number more readable with parentheses and dashes, like this:
(415) 555-1212. For this, your code needs to identify the area code, prefix, and line number.
Ex: If the input is: 4155551212
Your code should print:
(415) 555-1212
Use % to get the desired rightmost digits and // to discard the fraction
parcel. And to display the result use output formatting tools.