Movie: The beautiful mind
Give at least a two-paragraph review of the movie (include the name of the movie) (5 pts)
What mental disorder(s) was highlighted in the film and which of the characters do you feel had the mental illness?
Using your resources, write a definition of the mental illness – if you quote directly from a source make sure to properly cite it.
Using your resources, write the clinical manifestations seen in clients with this mental illness.
Using your resources, discuss the treatment options for the client with this mental illness.
Using your resources, provide support resources for the client with this mental illness. Make sure to list community (local and national) resources, and 2 other credible sources from the internet.
For every resource used in this assignment, you will need to create an APA citation within the information being discussed and create a reference page. Remember to include the movie selected, textbook, and other sources. (5pts for citations) and (5pts for the reference page) ** Please note you will lose points for not properly using APA citations and references**