John is meeting with his physician about severe shoulder pain that is so bad

John is meeting with his physician about severe shoulder pain that is so bad
that he often cannot sleep. When John is finished explaining his pain, his
physician writes him a prescription, jokingly adding that this will solve his
problems. John leaves the room with his prescription, upset that he was not
sent for tests to find out what is wrong with his shoulder. When he arrives at
the pharmacy and asks to speak to the pharmacist on duty, he discovers he has
been prescribed a sleeping pill. The pharmacist explains that this is a possible
treatment plan to allow the muscle to rest. John decides not to take the sleeping
1. Why do you think John is refusing to take the sleeping pills even though the
pharmacist explains that it is a possible treatment?
What could have been changed during the consultation to make John feel
involved in his care?
2. Consider your own health profession. How will you be expected to
communicate with patients/clients and their families as you work toward
optimizing health outcomes?
3. How would you hope your healthcare team works with you and your family
members to optimize your quality of care?
4. What are some of the ways that healthcare providers may show a lack of
person-centred care in real-life situations?

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