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In a page, state why you agree with this post:

After reading the NINR Strategic plan 2016 by the National Institute of Nursing Research. I found the End-of-Life and palliative care study more interesting. Palliative care is the care given to an individual nearing the end of life due to old age or disease progression, to minimize pain and provide comfort. NINR is the lead NIH institute for end-of-life research. The research was designed to support science to assist individual patient, their families, and health care professionals in managing chronic illnesses and end-of-life decisions. NINR also recognizes high-quality, evidenced-based palliative care as a critical component of maintaining the quality of life at any stage of illness and relieving symptoms and suffering. NINR considers enhancing communication between patients, their families, and clinicians as very important in decision-making at the advanced stage of the illness and nearing the end of life. (NINR, 2016).

What surprises me most by what was presented in this article was the incorporation of the summit of 2011 into the research. Titled the science of compassion, It was fully designed to comprise every sector of healthcare professionals and the larger community members. The summit featured research from junior and senior scholars in the field and provided mentoring opportunities, (NINR, 2016). I also find it impressive to discover that there was a separate office of research for evidenced-based end-of-life and palliative care named the office of the End-of-Life and Palliative Care Research (OEPCR). OEPCR coordinates and supports ongoing and future efforts and research toward improving advanced care for serious illnesses. Part of the initiative is to facilitate inter-professional science and collaborations, and to identify opportunities for science to inform health care practice which will help to deliver quality care.

The NINR strategies for end-of-life palliative care research include strategies to manage the complex experience of advanced symptoms and mitigate the effects of advanced illness on the health and well-being of the individual and their caregivers. (NINR, 2016). From the reading, I understand that NINR supports science in various areas to create compassionate end-of-life care. It is very impressive that research studies are applying innovative techniques. The future directions focus areas of the NINR plan include, supporting innovative end-of-life and palliative care and supporting the 21st-century nursing science workforce. The study design was very inclusive, it includes the implementation of personalized, culturally congruent, and evidenced-based palliative and hospice interventions, that will address the needs of the underserved, disadvantaged and diverse populations as one of the unique research topics to focus on in the future directions of end of life and palliate care (NINR, 2016).

NINR end-of-life palliative care listed various research activities and their outcomes which were made public. An example was one of the research outcomes which was discontinuing statin therapy for patients with life-limiting illnesses, it was found to be safe and beneficial, and was proven by patients who reported improved quality of life. As a nurse in the future, this research and its outcomes will provide evidenced-based data to work with and will have a positive impact on providing quality palliative care. Since the progression of an ongoing disease at the end of life can be distressful, it can also be a time for togetherness for patients and their loved ones. As a palliative care nurse, one will have more time to have intimate moments in the patient’s life at this end time. The families and the patients tend to remember the nursing response and care towards their needs, through communication, presence, and other work within their disciplinary team, this allows nurses to leave a legacy through care. (Schroeder, K., & Lorenz, K. 2018).

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