Ernesto, a 53-year-old Hispanic male, was admitted to the hospital with severe hyperglycemia and is now newly

Ernesto, a 53-year-old Hispanic male, was admitted to the hospital with severe hyperglycemia and is now newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Ernesto’s wife died 2 years ago, and he lives alone, next door to his adult son, Marcos. Ernesto speaks little English and was discharged from the hospital after 3 days. The discharge nurse at the hospital instructed Ernesto on his new medications without Marcos present because the bed was needed for another client. As the nurse instructed him, Ernesto nodded yes to the instructions.

Questions for students:
What is your overall opinion of the discharge process by the hospital nurse? State three areas of priority concerns.
Are you comfortable that Ernesto understood the discharge instructions? What could have been done differently?
Which ethnicities are more prone to a diabetes diagnosis?
What are three specific areas of follow-up care that you anticipate for Ernesto?

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