Each of us manages stress differently; however, it can diminish your quality of life if not managed properly

Each of us manages stress differently; however, it can diminish your quality of life if not managed properly. It is essential to recognize the warning signs of stress, especially in older clients or clients diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Identify physical, emotional, and mental signs of stress and how you would respond to each of these signs.

14.1) Physical

14.2) Emotional

14.3) Mental

The medical practitioner providing the patient’s care is ultimately responsible for the decision to restrain a patient. However, this decision should not occur in isolation. It involves a process of request, assessment, team involvement and consent within an ethical and legal framework.
Restraint is a device or medication administered to restrict the movement and/or behavior of a person. Determine the limitations and legal ramifications of the following forms of restraint:

15.1) Physical

15.2) Chemical

15.3) Psychological

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