Define septicemia.
Define glomerulonephritis.
Define Tuberculosis.
How can the nurse’s knowledge of the chain of infection and infection control precautions diminish the patient’s risk for infection?
There are infections that can lie dormant in the body, and re-emerge intermittently, over the lifespan, such as varicella, tuberculosis, and/or malaria. How is it possible to have recurrent episodes of the same bacterial infection?
We can have repeated episodes of infectious illnesses, including influenza, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, glomerulonephritis, and others. What makes this possible if we have an intact immune system?
Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. This bacterium can invade different organs, but normally invades the lungs, and is called “pulmonary tuberculosis”. It’s emergence as an acute illness is usually related to its host being in an immunocompromised state. What is the role of TB skin testing in health promotion? When should a child have a TB skin test?
What precautions is initiated for the individual who is being treated for TB?
Can glomerulonephritis result in Acute Kidney Injury?