1. choose a place of significance to you. 2. Choose and list three ways that this place shaped who you are today and the lessons you learned while in this environment. 3. What smells live inside this memory? What would we hear? What are the sounds associated with this memory? What would we see that was important? How did you feel, and what can you say to communicate that to your reader? What did you taste? What could you touch and feel in that memory? How/when/why did you engage with this place? 4. What sorts of life were present? What was there that was non-living? Was it indoors or outdoors? What was the story behind the setting that allowed you to learn the lesson? What specific situation occurred that acted as your teacher? 5. Your job is quite simple: Begin to think about the story that you’d tell us in the form of an essay about a place that’s important to you and why. Fill it with details for us. We are there alongside you–learning the lessons, listening in.