Respond demonstrating integration and synthesis of the readings listed in the reference section

Respond demonstrating integration and synthesis of the readings listed in the reference section:


Eugenics is traced back to the 1860s when Gregor Mendel discovered the basic laws of heredity.  Through out the 1900s the concept of improving humans through altering the genetic make up of humans through selective breeding evolved.  A big influence on the concept of eugenics was a result of Darwin’s theory that the “greatest steps humans could make in their own history would occur when they realized that they were not completely guided by instinct.  Rather, humans through selective reproduction, had the ability to control their own future evolution” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2022). Other scientist such as Muller, Davenport, East, and Muller along with political leaders such as president Roosevelt, secretary of state Root, and Supreme Court Harlan also supported the concept of Eugenics.  Eugenics regarding gene/selective reproduction and now gene alterations that can be used to treat disease risk factors has brought on more concerns as knowledge and technology advancements have evolved.  Viswanath & Kirbat, (2000) discusses that in 1972 the World Health Organization (WHO) developed a program title Human Reproduction program in and to support reproduction research.  Specifically, an Anti-fertility vaccine. However, the ethical and moral concerns regarding vaccines and the concept of eugenics includes distinguishing between the good and bad uses, who decides which DNA traits increase risk for disabilities, who receives the treatment secondary to cost, what limits are set for use.  Eugenics is very costly and would increase chances for altering human diversity.  Diversity through different DNA/gene pools allows each individual their own identity and for mother nature to produce hereditary traits such as eye color, skin texture, hair color and intelligence.  The right for a woman to have and maintain her autonomy in regards to reproduction is a freedom and does not need influence or coercion.  Governments in countries of poor socioeconomic resources who are using anti-fertility vaccine treatments to control reproduction should not be allowed to do so without informed consent from individuals.  Education and understanding of the risk and benefits should be discussed prior to administration of any medical treatment.  However, this is not the case for many women across the world who face scientific racism due to socioeconomic statuses.


Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2022).  Eugenics.  Retrieved: September 28, 2022, from to an external site.

Viswanath, K. & Kirbat, P. (2000, January).  Genealogy of a controversy: Development of an anti-fertility vaccine. Economic and Political Weekly, 35(8),718-725. doi: 10.2307/4408968




Hammons. H. (1957). Eugenic trends at mid‐century: A note on eugenics and current census data. Eugenics Quarterly, 4(4), 219-221. to an external site.

Oller, J.W., Shaw, C.A., Tomljenovic, L., Karanja, S.K., Ngare, W., Clement, F.M. & Pillette, J.R. (2017). HCG found in WHO tetanus vaccine in Kenya raises concern in the developing world. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3937. to an external site.

Shapiro, H. L. (1959). Eugenics and future society. Eugenics Quarterly, 6(1), 3-7. to an external site.

Spieler J. (1987). Development of immunological methods of fertility regulation. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 65(6), 779-783.

Talwar, G. P., Singh, O., Pal, R., Chatterjee, N., Sahai, P., Dhall, K., Kaur, J., Das, S. K., Suri, S., & Buckshee, K. (1994). A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 91(18), 8532-8536. to an external site.

Talwar, G.P. (1984). Structured vaccines for control of fertility and communicable diseases. Critical Reviews in Tropical Medicine, 245-246.

Viswanath, K. & Kirbat, P. (2000, January).  Genealogy of a controversy: Development of an anti-fertility vaccine. Economic and Political Weekly, 35(8),718-725. doi: 10.2307/4408968

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