write a comprehensive case analysis.
Read Investigating the Role of Cultural Awareness in A Multicultural Business Environment: A Case Study Based on Turkish and British Markets to examine the possible effects of cultural awareness in a multicultural business environment and answer the case-questions below.
Review the case study results to describe the conflicts of cross-culture faced by the British and Turkish companies. Why is the understanding of these issues relating to multicultural business environments critical for companies to formulate an adaptive business strategy? Support your answer with evidence from the case.
Identify and describe the approach(es) to cultural analysis that best applies to the cross-cultural circumstances of Turkey and UK. Substantiate your answer with the relevant tenets of the theory and the case context where it applies.
Apply the Critical Incident Analysis to the case and discuss:
i) What effective tools should the companies employ to prevent risky business mistakes from occurring on grounds of culture?
ii) Which common cross-cultural communication strategy is valid for both countries to eliminate issues that affect the international business of these companies in the host country?
Submission instructions
Submit a 1500 words case analysis paper, exclusive of the cover page and the reference page.
The paper should be double-spaced in Times New Roman font which is no greater than 12 points in size with 1-inch margin. The paper should have an introduction, body and conclusion.
The paper should have at least two references to strengthen the overall analysis of the theories. Be sure to use APA formatting in your paper. For assistance with APA formatting, view the Learning Resource Center: Academic Writing. Provides references and citations