Assignment: Ethical Lens and Leadership
To begin this assignment, you must take the Ethical Lens Inventory in the EthicsGame. Then, you will examine times in your life where you’ve applied your preferred lens, either well or not so well. You will also examine the ethical theories and theorists associated with your lens.
In this assignment, you will be assessed by the following Course Outcome:
GB590-1: Synthesize consequentialism (results) theories within business conflicts of interest.
This assignment requires that you complete the Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI), for which you will receive 15 points. Once completed, you will write a paper that answers the following questions:
Note that Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. are not considered as reliable resources for this research.
Access the Assignment grading rubric located in the Course Resources area.
For assistance with current APA 7th edition, see the reading area of this unit.
Your listen to your intuition and feelings (sensibility) to determine the greatest good for yourself and others (autonomy) and to determine what virtues you should develop to demonstrate ethical excellence in community.
Your value preferences place you between two lenses, the Results Lens and the Reputation Lens. Those with a Results Lens focus tend to define ethical success as having their actions and attitudes create good results for themselves and others. Those with a Reputation Lens focus tend to define ethical success as having others who are important to them in their various communities think highly of their expertise and character—when they have a good reputation.
You have a considered preference for the value of sensibility (CS)— following your heart—over rationality—following your head. As a CS, your passions and emotions provide you with energy as you seek your heart’s desires. You eloquently frame the narrative of your life in terms of being all you can be. You strive to embody the ideals of your roles and attain your chosen goals as you seek the greatest good.
You have no preference between the values of autonomy and equality. Defending the right of everyone to choose how they will live is important to you—but not if those rights come at the expense of the community’s wellbeing.
Your balance between these values may be a struggle, where you believe everyone should choose their own path but worry that such freedom could lead to anarchy or a lack of integrity. Or, your balance could be a more harmonious blend of the two values.
The first step to ethical agility and maturity is to carefully read the description of your own ethical lens. While you may resonate with elements of other lenses, when you are under stress or pressure, you’ll begin your ethical analysis from your home lens. So, becoming familiar with both the gifts and the blind spots of your lens is useful. For more information about how to think about ethics as well as hints for interpreting your results, look at the information under the ELI Essentials and Exploring the ELI on the menu bar.
Over the course of history, four different ethical perspectives, which we call the Four Ethical Lenses, have guided people in making ethical decisions. Each of us has an inherited bias towards community that intersects with our earliest socialization. As we make sense of our world, we develop an approach to ethics that becomes our ethical instinct—our gut reaction to value conflicts. The questions you answered were designed to determine your instinctual approach to your values preferences. These preferences determine your placement on the Ethical Lens Inventory grid, seen on the right side of this page.
The dot on the grid shows which ethical lens you prefer and how strong that preference is. Those who land on or close to the center point do not have a strong preference for any ethical lens and may instead resonate with an approach to ethics that is concerned with living authentically in the world rather than one that privileges one set of values over another.
Each of the paragraphs below describes an ethical trait—a personal characteristic or quality that defines how you begin to approach ethical problems. For each of the categories, the trait describes the values you believe are the most important as well as the reasons you give for why you make particular ethical decisions.
To see how other people might look at the world differently, read the descriptions of the different ethical lenses under the tab Ethical Lenses on the menu bar. The “Overview of the Four Ethical Lenses” can be printed to give you a quick reference document. Finally, you can compare and contrast each ethical trait by reading the description of the trait found under the Traits menu. Comparing the traits of your perspective to others helps you understand how people might emphasize different values and approach ethical dilemmas differently.
As you read your ethical profile and study the different approaches, you’ll have a better sense of what we mean when we use the word “ethics.” You’ll also have some insight into how human beings determine what actions are—or are not—ethical.
The Results Lens represents the family of ethical theories known as consequentialism, where you use your emotions and intuition to determine your highest and best results in life, including the kind of person you want to become. Identifying which lofty goals contribute to the greatest good provides normative guidance for determining which actions in a specific situation should count as ethical.
The Reputation Lens represents the family of ethical theories known as virtue ethics, where to determine what actions are ethical, you consider what habitual qualities of being—virtues—are required to demonstrate ethical excellence in the various roles you have in your community.
At times, you may find either of these theories persuasive. In your virtuous pursuit of your goals, you explore your own desires and strive to become the best expression of yourself. Your character and conscience might set the boundaries for your goals to keep you from becoming too greedy. Or, your focus on goals might help shape your idea of a good character, so you better serve the community by guiding it to better outcomes.