Proposed Intervention: Diabetic Self-Management Education

Proposed Intervention: Diabetic Self-Management Education

The significant issues linked to the rise in the incidence of diabetes are poor management and late diagnosis as a result of an absence of effective screening procedures, among others. Education to the population about the disease, the importance of early diagnosis, the risk factors, and the management process of this disease has been considered to be essential interventions in the reduction of the incidence of this disease and a reduction in the rate of complications that occur as a result of the poor management process.

Health education helps promote compliance practice (Cunningham t al., 2018). The adherence to the guidelines provided by the physician helps reduce the type 2 diabetes incidence and drop in the complications. Therefore, the paper is offering intervention in addressing type 2 diabetes. It involves the self-management education program offered from the patient portal to the web-enabled devices in a short message device platform to improve the self-care knowledge, behaviors, and self-monitoring of the blood sugar.

This intervention is essential since there is a need to ensure changes or improvements in the standards of caring for the patients and informing the population about the disease. The nurses in their leadership position can act as the change agent to ensure that the intervention is adapted and used for patient education and capture their attention, interest, and time hence improving the overall healthcare outcomes.

The intervention supports approaching the patients in their places at a time convenient for them hence ensuring that they maximize their efforts to learn about the disease (Cunningham t al., 2018). The maximization of the face-to-face time that the provider gets from the population with the focus on the physical evaluation, the chief complaints, and identification of the main issues such as barriers to early screening process and treatment enable the providers to be more active in delivering quality healthcare services.

Diabetes self-management education is a crucial aspect of healthcare for the individuals living with the disease or those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It is essential to be aware that if the efforts aimed at preventing and delaying the complications caused by the diabetes disease were to be achieved, then it is crucial to consider various lifestyle aspects that are associated with the lifestyle changes that play a massive role in the pre-diabetes (Watson et al., 2018). Cunningham et al. (2018) reported that quality diabetes self-management education is required to ensure quality and support to assist the diabetes educators in providing evidence-based education and self-management support.

Various factors are impacting diabetes self-management education. These factors are associated with the social, economic, and cultural aspects. The majority of the cases linked to type 2 diabetes are linked to microvascular complications, for example, neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy. The racial and ethnic disparities also impact the mortality and morbidity caused by type 2 diabetes. This is because there are fewer chances for the population, for example, African Americans, to have control over the HbA1c than non-Hispanic whites (Cunningham t al., 2018).

The low-income population is developing retinopathy and nephropathy complications due to the higher chances of being hospitalized with complications caused by type 2 diabetes. Therefore, diabetes self-management education implies that individuals with social, economic, and cultural challenges will perform the needed blood glucose monitoring process, administration of the medication, physical exercise, effective management of diet, and continuous medical care.


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