Nursing Homework Help|Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice

Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice

Explain Martha Roger’s Theory, name it, and how does it apply to your nursing practice? APA format, minimum of 150 words, and 2 APA references.



Smith, M. & Parker, M. (2014). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. (4th ed.). Philadelphia,
PA: F. A. Davis Company. ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-3312-4

Section IV: Conceptual Models and Grand Theories in the Unitary Transformative Paradigm

After completion of your assigned readings from Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 of your Smith and Parker textbook.

Chapter 14: Martha E. Roger’s Science of Unitary Human Beings

Chapter 15: Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s Human becoming Paradigm

Based on your readings, compare and contrast (view any similarities or differences between) the theories of Dr. Martha Rogers and Dr. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s theories.

Which one would you prefer for your nursing practice and why?

*-APA 6th Edition

*-References that support your statement

*-A minimum of 250 words

The Science of Unitary Human Beings is the name given to Martha Rogers’ theory (SUHB). Nursing is viewed as both a science and an art in that it provides a framework for viewing the unitary human being as an integral part of the universe. The singular human being and his or her environment are inextricably linked. Nursing is concerned with individuals and the manifestations that result from the process of mutual human-environmental field interaction.

SUHB encompasses two dimensions: the science of nursing, which is derived from scientific research; and the art of nursing, which entails applying the science of nursing creatively to improve the lives of patients.

Rogers wearing a cap that reads “Just visiting this planet!” Photograph by M Bramlett, 1991.
Rogers wearing a cap that reads “Just visiting this planet!” Photograph by M Bramlett, 1991.
Her model emphasizes the importance of the environment as an integral part of the patient and how that knowledge can be used to assist nurses in balancing the science and art of nursing in order to ensure patients have a smooth recovery and return to optimal health.

Rogers’ nursing theory is based on eight concepts: energy field, openness, pattern, pandimensionality, hemodynamic principles, resonance, helicity, and integrality.

Rogers’ development of the aforementioned theory has resulted in the theory becoming a highly influential nursing theory in the United States. When it was first introduced, it was considered profound and overly ambitious, but is now considered to be ahead of its time. By providing an alternative to traditional nursing approaches, her conceptual framework had a significant impact on nursing.

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