Health policy issues

Health policy issues


Note: I have attached the rubric as well.

  • During a break at work, you and a colleague are discussing health policy issues (because—(a) you always take your breaks on time; and (b) you and your colleagues are always discussing health policy during your breaks).
  • Your colleague says to you:
  • “Okay, so for as long as I can remember, health reform proposals have focused on what’s ‘realistic’ and on the need to make compromises. The Affordable Care Act has accomplished some good things, but millions of people are still uninsured. And the ACA is constantly under attack; now the Supreme Court might invalidate it altogether. Maybe being “realistic” was a mistake—progress is so slow, and we might end up with nothing at all. We should just push for a single-payer plan, like Medicare For All.”
  • Do you agree or disagree? How would you respond?

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