Nursing Assignment Help|Nursing administrator at Good Care Hospital

Nursing administrator at Good Care Hospital


  • Please answer all questions associated with the case study as thoroughly as you can.
  • Please use at least 2 references when responding to the Case Study unless otherwise noted.
  • There is no particular length requirement as long as you answer the questions thoroughly and use a reference(s) to support your responses.
  • Use the most current APA edition when writing and referencing.
  • Please proofread your papers.

Nurse Millie Adams is a nursing administrator at Good Care Hospital, a facility that serves as an educational training hospital. Nurse Adams has noticed several trends recently: nurse turnover has been higher than usual; sick leave has increased; student nurses frequently request transfers to other facilities. In searching for answers, she hears a lot of talk about nurses being threatened or verbally confronted.

  • What are the problems and possible explanations for these problems?
  • What are the potential sources for these problems?
  • What information does Nurse Adams need, and how should she gather this information?
  • What could be done to resolve the problems?


NM480 Unit 6 Assignment – Case Study #5 Rubric

NM480 Unit 6 Assignment – Case Study #5 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
20 pts

16-20 points

All questions were answered with information organized in a logical sequence.

15 pts

12-15 points

All questions answered with information generally organized in a logical sequence.

11 pts

8-11 points

All questions answered and information intermittently organized.

7 pts

4-7 points

All questions answered but information disorganized.

3 pts

0-3 points

All questions not addressed.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Evaluation
20 pts

16-20 points

Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of issue; Supports analysis with at least one scholarly source.

15 pts

12-15 points

Presents a thorough analysis of issue; Support analysis with at least one scholarly source

11 pts

8-11 points

Presents an incomplete analysis of issue by failure to address one aspect: No scholarly support of analysis.

7 pts

4-7 points

Presents an incomplete analysis of issue by failure to address multiple aspects; No scholarly support of analysis.

3 pts

0-3 points

Presents a superficial analysis of issue; No scholarly support of analysis.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and Recommendation
20 pts

16-20 points

Effective recommendation or solution aligned with the analysis.

15 pts

12-15 points

Recommendation or solution loosely aligned with the analysis.

11 pts

8-11 points

Recommendation or solution does not align with the analysis.

7 pts

4-7 points

Recommendation or solution does not align with the analysis and is unrealistic.

3 pts

0-3 points

No recommendation or solution offered.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics and Formatting
20 pts

16-20 points

Demonstrates clarity, conciseness, and correctness. Current APA formatting used and free of grammar and spelling errors.

15 pts

12-15 points

Majority of information is clear with some questions left to reader interpretation. APA with 1-3 grammar and spelling errors.

11 pts

8-11 points

Sentence structure is proper but paragraph is disorganized. APA with 4-5 grammar and spelling errors.

7 pts

4-7 points

Poorly organized and does not follow proper sentence structure. APA with greater than 5 grammar and spelling errors.

3 pts

0-3 points

Unfocused and rambling. Not in current APA fo


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