The primary reason as to why the correctional officers are involved in corrupt and illegal actions is predicated upon some issues such as lack of basic values (Jiang et al., 2002). These basic values include ethics, honesty, and integrity. If an organization possesses control and power over others regarding their lives, they must staff people that are capable of maintaining their values and that can align their professional and organizational values of their correctional facility. There are various types of misconduct in the correctional environments.
The term misconduct is termed as a deliberate ill manner does not conform with the established laws. In a case of misconduct by correctional professor’s, they tend to behave improperly, engaging in activities that contravene the law and morals for the community corrections professional that are supposed to maintain qualified standards that are in a code of ethics (Langan et al., 2001). However, some correctional professions disregard this policy and commit the misconducts knowingly, mostly for the aim of benefiting themselves.
Misconducts carried out by correctional professionals in various instances while on duty violate the rules of the community. Correctional corruption is considered as a type of misconduct that occurs in most correctional professions. This has been an international breach of most workplace norms. For instance, the prison corruption occurs when the correctional professionals in the prisons violate the rules within the prison organization for material gain. In prison, there is various type of misconduct that includes theft, embezzlement of funds, misuse of authority and trafficking of contraband. The trafficking of contraband in prisons has also been a major misconduct by the correctional professionals. These include drugs and money within the prison.
This is considered as a type of misconduct that is inflicted by certain individual officers that include excessive use of force leading to cases such as sexual harassment, rape, theft, false disciplinary charges and destruction of personal property (Reddington et., al 2005). For instance, the sexual abuse in most correctional facilities has been a serious issue for correctional professionals. Sexual misconduct is considered as a range of behavior that covers sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse. Most correctional professionals have been involved in such incident to satisfy themselves or offer a favor to the person being involved in the act.
This is another type of misconduct that is inflicted by an individual officer but not intentionally but as a result of negligence such as denial and lack of responsive and failure to protect. Negligence is constituted by mistreating due to misconduct, omissions, and acts reported due to lack of protection. Correctional professionals are required to provide care and protect the individuals that are under their authority. However, they fail in their responsibilities and neglect the policies. These lead to issues such as causes of corruption, poor training, failure of leadership, lack of accountability and supervision. They are the cause of certain misconducts in the community only because they neglect their duties.
Correctional officers have been involved in misconducts that have been led by lack of values and responsibility in the community. This has been revealed by correctional officers in prisons that have had a great contribution to misconducts in the correctional environment. These include drug smuggling, theft, corruption, sexual harassment and terrorizing detainees in prisons. In this case, correctional professionals have been involved in issues that hep criminals for their material gain.
Jiang, S., & Fisher-Giorlando, M. (2002). Inmate misconduct: A test of the deprivation, importation, and situational models. The Prison Journal, 82(3), 335-358.
Langan, N. P., & Pelissier, B. M. (2001). The effect of drug treatment on inmate misconduct in federal prisons. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 34(2), 21-30.
Reddington, F. P., & Kreisel, B. W. (Eds.). (2005). Sexual assault: The victims, the perpetrators, and the criminal justice system. Carolina Academic Press.