Business Management-Globalization of Markets

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It is an open question, allowing a wide range of effective answers, but good answers are likely to have the following features:
A clear structure, with an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Evidence of having engaged with Theodore Levitt’s 1983 Harvard Business Review article, “The globalization of markets”.
A definition of globalisation.
Description of some drivers of globalisation: Communications, Transportation, Technology (perhaps linked to Comms and Transport), Converging Consumer Tastes, Trade Liberalisation, etc.
Description of some features and results of globalisation: increased trade, global markets/production, increased competition, shifting employment patterns, etc.
A discussion of a technology-driven example of industry or market disruption such as Music (Apple), Retail (Amazon, Ebay, Alibaba), Transport (Easyjet, Uber), Admin (Microsoft), Entertainment (Netflix), Finance (Bitcoin), Advertising (Google), Gambling (Bet365). There are countless possible choices, and you can use more than one. But you will need to take care how you define the industry or market you are discussing, and ensure any examples are discussed in sufficient detail. There will be some discussion of the nature of the disruption (disintermediation and/or intermediation, network effects), and its results (market growth, employment shifts, reduced/increased choice and competition, winner takes all markets, etc.).
A clear evaluation of how likely it is that globalisation will continue – definitely/probably/possibly continue/stop/reverse. This judgement should be linked to some features of the case you have discussed, though you may also feel able to bring in other geopolitical considerations.
The paragraph structure should be like this:

-globalisation intro or 1st prg.
-technology 2nd or 3rd
-case industry 4th prg.
-evaluate the inevitability of globalisation ( it is going to continue or not) conclusion

how has technology effected globalisation?
then talk about industry how did it affect what is your business and how is it disrupted

Module: Business management
Component: assignment 2 (Summative)
Percentage of final module grade: 20%
The forces driving globalisation may appear to be irresistible. With reference to at least one business example, discuss how one or more industries or markets have been disrupted by technology, and evaluate to what extent continued globalisation is inevitable.

Your assignment must demonstrate the following:

An understanding of the concept of globalisation.
An understanding of at least one business case study of a technology-driven industry or market disruption.
An ability to undertake independent research using appropriately referenced academic sources.
An ability to apply relevant concepts and frameworks to an appropriate business situation.
An ability to reach justified conclusions based on sound analysis of relevant evidence.

Your source material should include:

The Business Studies textbook (Hall, et al), lecture notes and seminar reading materials available via KEATs.
Material in the University library (including management textbooks and academic journals).
Reputable internet sources (e.g. company websites and business publications such as the Financial Times, Economist, etc.).
Where appropriate, use graphs and other visual material in your report.

Assignment Instructions

Assignments MUST be submitted electronically through KEATS by .
Assignments are marked anonymously, and so you will need to submit using your student number. This is the number on your student card. This number should be clearly visible on the first page of the assignment. Please do not include your name on any part of the assignment.
Assignments must be submitted on time. The normal penalty for late assignments is that if they are submitted within 24 hours of the deadline, the mark will be capped at 40%; assignments submitted after that time will receive a mark of zero.

The word count for this assignment is 1,200 words. Essays that are more than 5% over this figure will be penalised (see the course handbook for details). There is no penalty for under-length assignments; however, assignments that are more than 5% below the word count are unlikely to give adequate answers to the questions set.

If you should require an extension to the deadline, you must complete a Mitigating Circumstances Form (this is available at ).

All assignments should be word-processed using a legible font and in size 12. They should also be double-spaced (or 1.5) and on A4 paper. All pages should be numbered and all pages should have your student number on them.

A reference list of all the references you have used in your assignment should be included at the end of your assignment.
If you do not understand any of the above, please ask your tutor, who will be able to help you.

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