Project Management|Read the Turner Construction Case Study

Read the Turner Construction Case Study (Simons & Weston, 1999). Your submission should be written in a professional business format that you could share in an organizational setting (white paper – 3-5 pages in length, single-spaced). Your paper should answer the following questions, with supporting evidence from the case:

  • What is Turner’s business strategy? How does its strategy differ from competitors’?
  • What could threaten or invalidate the viability of Turner’s strategy?
  • Evaluate the IOR system and related reports and meetings. Does the IOR system force managers and the project team to address the threats you identified in #2?
  • Fast forward from 1999 (the date of the case) to present day. What technologies or practices have developed since 1999 that could enhance the ability of Turner and other organizations to monitor and control projects?

Make sure to cite sources from your research in response to this question.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Simons, R. L., & Weston, H. A. (1999). Turner Construction Co.: Project management control systems. Ivey ID: 190128-PDF-ENG. London, Canada: Ivey Publishing.

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