Subject Code and Title | PROJ6009 Business Process Management and Systems |
Assessment | Assessment 1: Business Process Development Plan (2 parts)
¨ Part A: Business Process Analytical Plan: “As-Is & To-Be” mapping. ¨ Part B: Business Process Improvement Report: “Should-Be” mapping & Performance evaluation |
Individual/Group | Individual and/or in Pair for both Online and Face-to-Face delivery |
Words limits | Part A: 1500 words per report Part B: 1500 words per report |
Learning Outcomes | 1. Critically analyse the role of management information systems in sustaining successful organisations.
2. Critically evaluate approaches to business process management and systems, their associated risks and implementation processes. 3. Establish and justify governance processes for business process management change to ensure that all stakeholders are considered in technology change decisions |
This assessment is evaluating students learning basics of business process management in organizations. The assessment requests students to develop a business process management plan for a particular case in an organization, a department or a project environment. The plan incorporates identifying the existing (As-Is) situation of the processes of the case, and a few possible future states (To-Be) of these processes for improvement on efficiency and other benefits. In addition, the students need to develop an ideal processes (Should-Be) plan to best suit the organization and the project. Furthermore, the students will provide a performance evaluation report based on the scenarios created in the “Should-Be” processes to complete this assessment.
In this assessment, the students will begin with identifying a process case in a professional working environment. The case can be from an organisation or a project the students participated in before.
This assessment contains TWO parts. To prepare for this assessment:
Choose a realistic and detailed organisation or project, and analyse the Business Process Management (BPM) methods and techniques taught in the first three modules. Students are required to work on a process analytical plan (including As-Is and To-Be process mapping). In your analysis, consider and include the following:
The Business process analytical plan contains:
In continuum of Part A, students are required to compile a performance evaluation report, to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge developed from the Modules, by applying tools and techniques introduced in class activities and personal researches. The students should clarify the business or project constraints and assumptions to create a scenario, where can be “For” or “Against” the “To-Be” process.