facial edema and decreased urinary output|colicky type pain

Facial Edema and Decreased Urinary Output|Colicky Type Pain

A 13-year-old female presents with malaise, facial edema and decreased urinary output. Prior history is positive for strep throat, previously treated. Her work-up revealed severe abnormal lab values. Her final diagnosis is post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. What specific lab values would you suspect are abnormal? What is the significance of a positive strep infection? Compare and contrast acute vs chronic glomerulonephritis. Does glomerulonephritis resolve?

1 APA reference, 150 words

A 32 year-old-female who recently delivered twins presents with colicky type pain, URQ pain radiating to the shoulder.  After workup, she is diagnosed with cholecystitis. What is the role of the gallbladder? Would you expect her to have nausea and vomiting? Defend your answer.Why does the patient have referred pain? How do gallstones form?

1 reference APA, 150 words

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