References properly cited using APA 7th edition.
1:47 PM (CT)
Assignment Details
Assignment Description
You have either started collecting data with the client organization or you will start collecting it soon. Respond to the following questions:
What ways have you started to collect data? Discuss your initial analysis.
Why was this approach selected?
What is the presenting problem, and what are the underlying problems that you are uncovering?
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Reading Assignment
Assignment Objectives
Demonstrate the ability to plan and apply effective managerial, change, and intervention theories, models, skills, and competencies in the context of specific organizational
opportunities and problems.
Demonstrate the ability to utilize analytical and critical thinking proficiencies as a means of synthesizing, evaluating, and integrating concepts and knowledge for effective
decision analysis, and solution generation, in the context of a specific project based in an actual organization.
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Unit 3 Individual Project
Assignment Overview
Unit: Discovery
Due Date: Wed,7/28/21
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 100
Points Earned:
Deliverable Length: 5–7 pages
Type: Individual Project
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Reading Assignment
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