Composition And Rhetoric Illustrative

I have a 3 part assignment Illustrative/Example – Outline, Rough Draft, and Essay

Outline due 1/27/2021

Rough Draft due 1/27/2021

Essay due 2/14/2021


1. Develop a draft essay according to the following formatting guidelines: (Papers submitted that do not meet these formatting requirements will be returned to you ungraded)

2. Minimum of 3 typed, double-spaced pages , Times New Roman, 12 pt font size

3. MLA formatting (see the MLA Format page as needed)

4. Submitted as either a .doc, .docx, .rtf file with your first and last name in the file name.

5. Submit your prewriting and draft as a single file upload.

More detailed instruction will be uploaded, as well as template for outline. whole assignment must be in MLA formatting.

Can anyone help me? Please.

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