Your first option is to attend an event, gathering, celebration, etc., which is attended mostly by members of a cultural group that is different than your own. The event should allow you to observe people interacting as well as providing a chance for you to participate in the event yourself. You are free to go in pairs or in groups of three, but you must turn in individual papers.

Page Contents


All papers must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced. You do not need a cover page for this assignment. Please clearly identify your name and the course at the top of the paper.

A. Your first option is to attend an event, gathering, celebration, etc., which is attended mostly by members of a cultural group that is different than your own. The event should allow you to observe people interacting as well as providing a chance for you to participate in the event yourself. You are free to go in pairs or in groups of three, but you must turn in individual papers. It might also be a good idea to invite class members to cultural events attended or held by your own cultural group. The idea is to stretch your boundaries and to start to notice and reflect on things you may have not noticed before. Concerts and movies are NOT acceptable. The event should be cleared by the instructor before attending to determine its appropriateness for intercultural communication.

After the experience, write a 5-page paper (excluding reference materials) describing:

1) your experience, such as how you felt when participating in that setting,

2) what you observed and what surprised you,

3) how your experience expresses or serves as an example of concepts or theories that you have learned in this class. The most important part of the paper is your analysis of how this experience relates to concepts that we have covered in class.

This assignment will be graded for creativity, the appropriate demonstration of course concepts in as realistic a situation as possible, and the use of at least three outside, relevant scholarly sources.

B. Your second option is to interview someone who was not born in the USA such as an international student or an immigrant. If you are an international student taking the course, then you must interview someone who is not native to your country of origin. The interview should be at least 30 minutes; please take notes and tape record the interview if possible (make sure to get permission if you record the interview). Prepare specific questions either about your interviewee’s home culture or about his/her experience in the USA. It would be helpful if you focused on a few concepts or theories that you have learned about in this class. While your interviewee might not know the specific names of the concepts or theories, you can still ask about their experience in relation to these concepts.

After the interview, write a 5-page paper describing:

1) your interviewee,

2) what you found out about his/her culture, especially the aspects that are different from the USA,

3) how you can relate what you learned from your interview to concepts or theories that we have covered in class. The most important part of the paper is your analysis of how this information relates to concepts that we have covered in class.

Attach your list of questions that you prepared for the interview to the end of the paper (This does not count toward the 5-page length requirement).

This assignment will be graded for clear structure, thoughtful analysis of the experience or the interview, clear mention of appropriate vocabulary of course concepts, clear references to the text and concepts from the course, and the mechanics of writing (spelling, grammar, and punctuation).

**All papers must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced. You do not need a cover page for this assignment. Please clearly identify your names and the course at the top of the paper.


Title: Intercultural Experience: Attending a Cultural Event

Name: [Your Name]
Course: Intercultural Communication 101

In this paper, I will describe a hypothetical scenario where I attended a cultural event to explore intercultural communication. The purpose of this experience was to observe and participate in a setting that is predominantly attended by a cultural group different from my own. By immersing myself in this event, I aimed to expand my cultural awareness, gain insights into intercultural dynamics, and analyze the experience in light of concepts learned in the Intercultural Communication course.

1) Experience and Feelings:
In this hypothetical scenario, I chose to attend a traditional Japanese tea ceremony organized by a local Japanese community. As I entered the venue, I was initially overwhelmed by the vibrant atmosphere filled with traditional decorations, soothing music, and the fragrance of incense. I felt a mix of excitement and curiosity, eager to engage with the Japanese culture firsthand. Observing the meticulous preparation and gracefulness of the tea ceremony practitioners, I was captivated by the attention to detail and the profound respect displayed towards each participant.

2) Observations and Surprises:
During the event, I noticed several aspects that surprised me and challenged my preconceived notions. Firstly, the emphasis on silence and non-verbal communication during the tea ceremony fascinated me. Participants communicated through subtle gestures, allowing for a deeper level of connection that transcended language barriers. Additionally, the level of mindfulness exhibited by both the hosts and participants was remarkable. Each movement, from pouring the tea to receiving and sipping it, was conducted with precision and profound awareness. I also observed the strong sense of community and shared values among the attendees, as they engaged in respectful conversations and shared their knowledge of Japanese traditions.

One surprising observation was the significant role of hierarchy and protocol within the tea ceremony. The intricate rituals and etiquette demonstrated the importance of social harmony and respect for seniority. As an outsider, I found it challenging to navigate these dynamics and ensure that my behavior aligned with cultural norms. However, I appreciated the opportunity to learn and adapt to unfamiliar cultural practices, which enhanced my understanding of intercultural communication complexities.

3) Analysis of Concepts and Theories:
The experience of attending the traditional Japanese tea ceremony aligns with several key concepts and theories covered in the Intercultural Communication course. Firstly, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory came to the forefront, particularly the dimension of collectivism versus individualism. The tea ceremony emphasized the collective experience, promoting harmony, and shared values among participants. It underscored the importance of community and interdependence in Japanese culture.

Furthermore, Edward T. Hall’s high-context and low-context communication framework was evident in the tea ceremony. The intricate rituals and non-verbal cues played a significant role in conveying messages and establishing rapport. It highlighted the significance of non-verbal communication and the importance of interpreting implicit meanings in intercultural interactions.

Another concept that resonated with this experience was the notion of cultural adaptation and cultural intelligence. As an outsider participating in a highly ritualized event, I had to adapt my behavior, respect cultural norms, and be mindful of the context. The tea ceremony challenged me to step out of my comfort zone, demonstrating the need for cultural sensitivity and flexibility when engaging with people from different cultures.

Attending the traditional Japanese tea ceremony provided a valuable intercultural experience that broadened my understanding of Japanese culture and intercultural communication dynamics. Through careful observation and active participation, I gained insights into the significance of non-verbal communication, collectivism, and cultural adaptation. This experience reinforced the importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity in fostering effective intercultural interactions. By reflecting on this experience in relation to concepts learned in the Intercultural Communication course, I have deepened my understanding

of intercultural dynamics and enhanced my intercultural competence.

[Include at least three outside, relevant scholarly sources.]

Appendix: List of Questions for the Interview
[Attach the list of questions prepared for the interview conducted in Option B.]

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