Read the article “Top tips for effective requirements management.

Read the article “Top tips for effective requirements management.”

The article suggests improving 3 of the 7 tips would greatly increase project success. Select 1 tip you would focus on as a project manager. Include the reasons why it would be a priority and the specific value it would offer the project. Support your value description by finding a process, tools, technique, document or plan from the PMBOK Guide that would help create the value. Direct quotes and citations are expected.

Requirements must be managed to ensure true business value is achieved
Involve the right people
Have the right expectations
Quality in requirements is as important or even more important than quality in the product
Consider the integration and interface points of other projects.
Facilitate timely client approvals.
Changes to requirements can completely alter the nature of a project

Ouellette, B. & Frenette, M. (2014). Top tips for effective requirements management. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2014—North America, Phoenix, AZ. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

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