package hw3

package hw3;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;

/* ***********************************************************************
* A simple BST with int keys and no values
* Complete each function below.
* Write each function as a separate recursive definition (do not use more than one helper per function).
* Depth of root==0.
* Height of leaf==0.
* Size of empty tree==0.
* Height of empty tree=-1.
* TOComplete: complete the functions in this file.
* DO NOT change the Node class.
* DO NOT change the name or type of any function (the first line of the function)
* Restrictions:
* – no loops (you cannot use “while” “for” etc…)
* – only one helper function per definition
* – no fields (static or non static). Only local variables
public class IntTree {
private Node root;

private static class Node {
public int key;
public Node left, right;

public Node(int key) {
this.key = key;

public void printInOrder() {

private void printInOrder(Node n) {
if (n == null)

// Recall the definitions of height and depth.
// in the BST with level order traversal “41 21 61 11 31”,
// node 41 has depth 0, height 2
// node 21 has depth 1, height 1
// node 61 has depth 1, height 0
// node 11 has depth 2, height 0
// node 31 has depth 2, height 0
// height of the whole tree is the height of the root

* Returns the height of the tree. For example, the BST with level order
* traversal 50 25 100 12 37 150 127 should return 3.
* Note that the height of the empty tree is defined to be -1.
public int height() {
// TOComplete
throw new RuntimeException(“Not implemented”);

* Returns the number of nodes with odd keys. For example, the BST with level
* order traversal 50 25 100 12 37 150 127 should return 3 (25, 37, and 127).
public int sizeOdd() {
// TOomplete
throw new RuntimeException(“Not implemented”);

* Returns true if this tree and that tree “look the same.” (i.e. They have the
* same keys in the same locations in the tree.) Note that just having the same
* keys is NOT enough. They must also be in the same positions in the tree.
public boolean treeEquals(IntTree that) {
// TOComplete
throw new RuntimeException(“Not implemented”);

* Returns the number of nodes in the tree, at exactly depth k. For example,
* given BST with level order traversal 50 25 100 12 37 150 127 the following
* values should be returned t.sizeAtDepth(0) == 1 [50] t.sizeAtDepth(1) == 2
* [25, 100] t.sizeAtDepth(2) == 3 [12, 37, 150] t.sizeAtDepth(3) == 1 [127]
* t.sizeAtDepth(k) == 0 for k >= 4
public int sizeAtDepth(int k) {
// TOComplete
throw new RuntimeException(“Not implemented”);

* Returns the number of nodes in the tree “above” depth k. Do not include nodes
* at depth k. For example, given BST with level order traversal 50 25 100 12 37
* 150 127 the following values should be returned t.sizeAboveDepth(0) == 0
* t.sizeAboveDepth(1) == 1 [50] t.sizeAboveDepth(2) == 3 [50, 25, 100]
* t.sizeAboveDepth(3) == 6 [50, 25, 100, 12, 37, 150] t.sizeAboveDepth(k) == 7
* for k >= 4 [50, 25, 100, 12, 37, 150, 127]
public int sizeAboveDepth(int k) {
// TOComplete
throw new RuntimeException(“Not implemented”);

* Returns true if for every node in the tree has the same number of nodes to
* its left as to its right. For example, the BST with level order traversal 50
* 25 100 12 37 150 127 is NOT perfectly balanced. Although most of the nodes
* (including the root) have the same number of nodes to the left as to the
* right, the nodes with 100 and 150 do not and so the tree is not perfeclty
* balanced.
* HINT: In the helper function, change the return type to int and return -1 if
* the tree is not perfectly balanced otherwise return the size of the tree. If
* a recursive call returns the size of the subtree, this will help you when you
* need to determine if the tree at the current node is balanced.
public boolean isPerfectlyBalanced() {
// TOComplete
throw new RuntimeException(“Not implemented”);

* Mutator functions HINT: This is easier if the helper function
* returns Node, rather than void similar to recursive mutator methods on lists.

* Removes all subtrees with odd roots (if node is odd, remove it and its
* descendants) A node is odd if it has an odd key. If the root is odd, then you
* should end up with the empty tree. For example, when called on a BST with
* level order traversal 50 25 100 12 37 150 127 the tree will be changed to
* have level order traversal 50 100 150
public void removeOddSubtrees() {
// TOComplete
throw new RuntimeException(“Not implemented”);

* ***************************************************************************
* Some methods to make and display trees Do not modify anything below!

public void setElementsUsingArray(int[] data) {
Node[] nodes = new Node[data.length];
for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i] != 0) nodes[i] = new Node(data[i]); } for (int i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i] != null) { if (2 * i < nodes.length) nodes[i].left = nodes[2 * i]; if (2 * i + 1 < nodes.length) nodes[i].right = nodes[2 * i + 1]; } } root = nodes[1]; } /* * *************************************************************************** * Some methods to make and display trees *****************************************************************************/ // Do not modify "put" public void put(int key, String path) { if (path.length() == 0) { if (root == null) root = new Node(key); else root.key = key; } else { Node current = root; int pathIndex = 0; while (current != null & pathIndex < path.length() - 1) { char nextDirection = path.charAt(pathIndex); if (nextDirection == 'l') current = current.left; else if (nextDirection == 'r') current = current.right; else throw new RuntimeException("Illegal path: " + path); pathIndex++; } if (current == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal path: " + path); } char direction = path.charAt(pathIndex); if (direction == 'l') { if (current.left == null) current.left = new Node(key); else current.left.key = key; } else if (direction == 'r') { if (current.right == null) current.right = new Node(key); else current.right.key = key; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal path: " + path); } } } // Do not modify "levelOrder" public Iterable levelOrder() {
LinkedList keys = new LinkedList();
LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Node n = queue.remove();
if (n == null)
return keys;

// Do not modify “toString”
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int key : levelOrder())
sb.append(key + ” “);
return sb.toString();

public void prettyPrint() {
if (root == null)
prettyPrintHelper(root, “”);

private void prettyPrintHelper(Node n, String indent) {
if (n != null) {
System.out.println(indent + n.key);
indent += ” “;
prettyPrintHelper(n.left, indent);
prettyPrintHelper(n.right, indent);

// make a tree from a string
public static IntTree fromString(String s) {
return fromStrings(s.split(” “));

// make a tree from an array of strings
public static IntTree fromStrings(String[] keys) {
IntTree set = new IntTree();
for (String s : keys) {
int splitPoint = s.indexOf(“:”);
int key = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, splitPoint));
String path = s.substring(splitPoint + 1);
set.put(key, path);
return set;

public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a = { 0, 7, 4, 2, 2, 5, 0, 9, 0, 0, 2 }; // tree from HW3.pdf 2
IntTree s = new IntTree();
StdOut.println(“height is ” + s.height()); // should say 3
StdOut.println(“sizeOdd is ” + s.sizeOdd()); // should say 3

IntTree s2 = IntTree.fromString(“7: 4:l 2:r 2:ll 5:lr 9:rr 2:lrl”); // tree from HW3.pdf 2
StdOut.println(“height is ” + s2.height()); // should say 3
StdOut.println(“sizeOdd is ” + s2.sizeOdd()); // should say 3


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