ou are the the owner of a firm that is going to help a Mexican company called Energía 5 mas 1 to expand their business in Costa Rica

ou are the the owner of a firm that is going to help a Mexican company called Energía 5 mas 1 to expand their business in Costa Rica:

web page of the actual company:


Introduce yourself in order to generate empathy.
Who you are, who you work for (consultancy firm), what brought you here, what it means to you to work with them as a client.
The relationship between demographics and purchasing power in that country. Is it favorable for the Mexican company?
How their political system can help or undermine your client.
How the whole project will play out within the economic system of the targeted country.
How to use their legal system and relevant government regulations to your client’s favor.
How do foreign direct investments work in that country, and if there any fiscal incentives for your client.
How is the local currency doing? Include a snapshot of the current monetary trends around it.
Note: if you find any metric or statistics

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