May I please get help on what I need to do for this homework? I want to write a code and want an explanation of what I need to do.
The Assignment:
Write a program that converts a number of seconds to the equivalent number of hours, minutes, and seconds.
It should do the following:
Prompt the user for input
Read an integer from the keyboard
Calculate the result
Use printf to display the output
A sample run with input 5000 must look like:
Enter the number of seconds: 5000
5000 seconds = 1 hours, 23 minutes, and 20 seconds
5000 seconds = 01h:23m:20s
A sample run with input 3754 must look like:
Enter the number of seconds: 3754
3754 seconds = 1 hours, 2 minutes, and 34 seconds
3754 seconds = 01h:02m:34s
Hint1: Use integer division
Hint2: Use the modulus operator
Please make sure to end each line of output with a newline.
Please note that your class should be named SecondsConverter.
What I wrote:
import java.util.*;
public class SecondsConverter
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print(“Enter the number of seconds: “);
int totalSeconds = in.nextInt();
int numSeconds = totalSeconds % 60;
int numHours = totalSeconds / 60;
int numMinutes = numHours % 60;
numHours = numHours / 60;
System.out.print( totalSeconds+” Seconds =”+numHours + ” hours,” + numMinutes + ” minutes,and ” + numSeconds + ” seconds”);
System.out.print( totalSeconds+” Seconds =”+numHours + “h:” + numMinutes + “m:” + numSeconds + “s”);
Thank you