How to answer these three discussion boards with I agree and why?

How to answer these three discussion boards with I agree and why?


you find it easier to gain weight or lose weight?
I personally find it easier to gain weight.
What does it mean to you when you hear the phrase “body image?”
To me body image means how I perceive myself and my body. I think it’s fairly common for individuals to have a negativce body image, because we always find ourselves comparing ourselves to others, which I find myself doing often.
What are some tips/strategies you can share with the class to achieve bodyweight and/or body fat goals?
Several things have helped keep me stay motivated to go workout in order to achieve my bodyweight goals. One of them is listening to music that gets me excited when getting dressed to go workout and I also try to wear “cute” outfits because when I feel good I do better and am more excited to go workout. I also find maintaining a good balance between restriction and still having the occasional fast food when I go out with my friends have helped keep me from feeling overwhelmed and miserable which has lead me to overeating in the past.
DIscussion 2

Do you find it easier to gain weight or lose weight?

It is more difficult for me to gain weight. I have a relatively high metabolism so, I don’t gain weight easily.

What does it mean when you hear the phrase “body image?”

“Body Image” best describes the way a person views there own body and its appearance. Many people get caught up in how their body looks and wanting it to be more attractive. This is not all a bad thing, because it is important to maintain ourselves and take care of our bodies. That being said, it is more important to focus on having a health and capable body that can perform daily challenges.

What are some tips/strategies you can share with the class to achieve bodyweight and/or body fat goals?

It is important to find an exercise routine and diet that works for you. There is not a one size fits all plan that will be the answer for everyone. Regardless of the details, stay active and make good food choices.

Discussion 3

Do you find it easier to gain weight or lose weight?

Personally, I find neither easier. As crazy as this sounds, I have been the same weight since 14 years old. I have, however, struggled with gaining weight. I’ve been trying to bulk for the past five years and have had very minimal results. I have tried going into a calorie surplus, adding mass gainer, and changing up how I train. Unfortunately, I didn’t see any actual results with these.

What does it mean to you when you hear the phrase “body image?”

To me, the basis of body image is how a person views themself. But because of society and social media, none of us have a true organic opinion or view of our body. We see through a distorted lens and sadly many people develop body dysmorphia.

What are some tips/ strategies you can share with the class to achieve body weight and/or body fat goals?

The biggest tip that I have to reach body weight and/or body fat goals is to make sure to fuel the body! Everything we do burns energy and many people try to just go into a calorie deficit to reach their goals, but this isn’t sustainable. Our bodies are like machines that need to be maintained in order to stay in prime working condition.

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