Define what a project is and what project management is. What are the characteristics of projects, and why are companies using project management more every day?

Define what a project is and what project management is. What are the characteristics of projects, and why are companies using project management more every day?
Describe the project stages and explain how the success and/or failure of a project can be measured.
Describe how the selection, prioritization, and utilization of resources is part of strategic planning.
For this discussion in addition to using the text. You can access the portal of the Project Management Institute (PMI)…. one of the organizations recognized as certifiers of the practice of Project Management by accessing the portal to start your search. I also recommend using your favorite search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc…) and start your search under “Project Management knowledge areas”.

Por recursos nos referimos a material, labor, equipo y/o capital. ¿Cómo entiendes qué una organización puede facilitar el éxito de un proyecto con la selección de recursos?


Administración de Proyectos: Guía para el Aprendizaje
Autores: Francisco Rivera Martínez & Gisel Hernández Chávez
Editora:Pearson Education – México

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