1. Have the students discuss the heirarchy of the human brain and the components that make up the hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain. What is the function of each of these structures?
1. What makes up the central nervous system?
2. What does the sympathetic nervous system do?
3. What is the major function of each branch of the human nervous system?
4. Describe the major functions of each lobe in the brain.
5. What is meant by hemispheric lateralization?
6. What functions are lateralized to the left hemisphere?
7. What functions are lateralized to the right hemisphere?
8. What areas of the brain are important for speech production?
9. What areas of the brain are important for speech comprehension?
10. How does the brain and nervous system develop prenatally?
11. What is the role of experience in brain development?
12. What is the role of the limbic system?
13. What is a “critical period?”
14. What is meant by “plasticity” of the brain?
15. What research findings support the idea that the brain can “recover” from injury?