Your friend lives in London England in a timezone that is normally 6 hours

Your friend lives in London England in a timezone that is normally 6 hours

ahead of Toronto Canada. But sometimes London and Toronto switch to

daylight savings time on different dates. If Toronto is on daylight savings

time and London isn’t, then the time difference is only 5 hours. Conversely,

if London is on daylight savings time and Toronto isn’t, the time change

is 7 hours. Of course, if both are on daylight savings time, the difference

is back to the standard 6 hours.

Completing a program that takes three lines of input: a float value representing

the time in Toronto, whether Toronto is on daylight savings time (1 meansyes, 0 means no), and whether London is on daylight savings time (1 means

yes, 0 means no). Prints a float giving the time in London.

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