Q1: Create a function that displays each character of this string on the screen with a space between each letter. The string must appear on one line
Example output: * H e l l o W o r l d , I ‘ m a n e w j a v a s c r i p t p r o g r a m m e r *
const stringData = “Hello World, I’m a new javascript programmer”;
Q2: Replace all of the pipe “|” characters with a comma “,”. Note, Older versions of
Javascript do not have a replaceall function. Find a way to replace these.
Example output:
var names = “Harry|Jim|Jeswin|Gurpreet|Sam|Tobias|Angel|Tong”;
Q3: Split the names string into an ARRAY based on the ‘,’ and display the names vertically on the screen
Example Output: * Harry * Jim * Jeswin * Gurpreet * Sam * Tobias * Angel * Tong
Q4: Write a function that extracts the area code from a phone number and display it
on the screen. You can use a regex if you want, but your function must work for
all three types of phone numbers.
Example Output:
var phoneNum1 = “(519)-555-5555”;
var phoneNum2 = “519-555-5555”;
var phoneNum3 = “5195555555”;
Q5: Create a simple int array that holds X amout of numbers. Initalize the array
when you create it. Output the array to the screen.
Example Output: * 5,5,6,10,3,1,6 *