Perform the following steps in a single cell:
1. Set a figure size of [12,4].
2. Loop over the regions list. Each time the loop executes, perform the following steps:
• generate a new subplot. Your subplots should be arranged in a 1×3 grid.
• Add a scatter plot displaying the relationship between wt and mpg for vehicles manufactured in the
region currently being considered in this iteration of the loop. Use boolean masking to select the
relevant records from the auto DataFrame. Points should have a black border and a fill color that
matches the colors used for the regions in the bar charts in Part 6. Set an alpha level of 0.8.
• Set the limits of the x-axis to [1200, 5000] and the limits of the y-axis to [0, 50].
• Label the x-axis as “Weight in Pounds” and the y-axis as “Miles Per Gallon”.
• Set the title of the subplot to be “Weight vs MPG (xxxx)”, with the xxxx symbols replaced with the
abbreviation for the current region, with the first letter capitalized.
3. Call plt.tight_layout() to prevent elements of your subplots from overlapping.
4. Use to display the figure