Losar is a 20-year-old primigravida who calls the intrapartum unit because she thinks she might be in labor

Losar is a 20-year-old primigravida who calls the intrapartum unit because she thinks she might be in labor.

a. Which is the single most important factor that will determine Losar is experiencing true labor contractions? Justify your answer.

b. Upon examination, the nurse noticed the fetal presenting part is hard and round, and a small diamond depression on the head can be felt in Losar’s left side near symphysis pubis. What is the fetal position, Identify the manner of delivery and justify your answer.

c. Losar’s frequency of contraction is every 6 minutes and the duration is 36 seconds. Determine the interval.

d. The nurse noticed that the anteroposterior diameter of pelvic inlet is 10 cm while the transverse diameter of the outlet is 9 cm. Is it possible to deliver the baby normally? Justify your answer.

e. Losar verbalized “How would my baby fit into my cervix and vagina?” What is the nurse’s appropriate response?

f. Losar gave birth to an alive baby boy. She asked the nurse, “My baby’s head appear to be like a football, is it normal?” What is the nurse’s best response?”

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