CBC (complete blood count) (including WBC and differential, RBC and RBC indices), Electrolytes

CBC (complete blood count) (including WBC and differential, RBC and RBC indices),
Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride), BUN, Creatinine, Glucose, Calcium profile
(calcium, phosphate, magnesium), Liver function tests, Protein & Albumin, INR/PTT, PT, CRP,
ESR, CK, CKMB, Troponin, Lactate, HbA1C, TSH, Lipid Assessment values (HDL, LDL,
 Outline normal values and provide reasoning for elevated/decreased levels of each value.
 Choose a format that will benefit you to use as a reference tool throughout the semester. You
will find this will become imperative when completing your research & help build confidence in
demonstrating your comprehension of your client’s presentation

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