You are caring for Hilde Mattison, an 82-year-old woman, who is accompanied by her daughter, Roxanne. Roxanne takes you aside to inform you she is concerned about her mother’s ability to live safely alone at home. She confides that her mother is forgetting many appointments and has fallen at least twice in the past 3 months. Although Mrs. Mattison had a minor stroke 3 years ago, she has not been into the office for the past year because she lacks transportation since she gave up driving 2 years ago due to her poor vision. Roxanne has encouraged her mother to move into an assisted-living facility, but Mrs. Mattison does not want to sell her home of 50 years and give up her independence.
What screening tests are appropriate for Mrs. M. at this time? Justify your choices.
What instruments will you use to perform the appropriate screening tests?
What counseling will you provide for Mrs. M. and her daughter, based on the limited information you have been provided?