I am at handover presenting 59 year old Annie who is an aboriginal women to the nursing team. I have just

I am at handover presenting 59 year old Annie who is an aboriginal women to the nursing team. I have just described Annie’s symptoms and have said Annie is very unsteady on her feet. Before I can continue I hear two nursing colleagues say, “I bet she’s an alcoholic. We will make sure we limit her pain relief”. To unpack this situation please answer the following questions
1. In NURBN2025 you were introduced to racism, the causes and impact on health outcomes Identify from peer reviewed literature the possible reasons why non‐Indigenous people make racist assumptions about First Nations peoples. Include the following:
a. The potential beliefs, values and attitudes that have influenced these non‐ Indigenous nurses to be culturally unsafe.
b. Describe how these nurses have used power differentials related to their beliefs, for nursing care.

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