You are working for the Chief of Staff (CoS) for a newly elected Governor. The governor asked the CoS to research and prepare a 5- to 7-paragraph background briefing (backgrounder) that addresses the below question. The CoS will use this background briefing to prepare the Governor and his appointed cybersecurity director as they answer questions from the press and general-public.
You are not answering the questions as the governor, rather you are providing the governor the information s/he needs to answer the question.
The question: As governor, how will your administration improve cybersecurity for the state’s Critical Infrastructures?
The CoS asked you to research and prepare a draft for the background briefing. Your draft must provide enough information that the CoS and the Governor understand key terms that you use in your explanations. To that end, your draft briefing must answer the following questions:
Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.