Part One: Users and Groups
Complete the following steps from a shell as root or sudo, on server1:
1. Make a new group lnxgrp with GID 6000.
2. Make a user userp1 with UID 5000 and GID 6000.
3. Assign this user a password and establish password aging attributes so that this user
cannot change their password within 4 days after setting it and with a password validity
of 30 days. This user should start getting warning messages for changing password 10
days prior to account lock down. This user account needs to expire on the 20th of the
December in the next calendar year.
4. Then, add a rule for userp1 to the /etc/sudoers file to allow this user full root access on
the system. Make sure that this user is not prompted for a password when they use sudo
to execute a command.
5. Now switch into the userp1 account and try running
a. sudo users. Confirm the id of userp1
b. sudo groups. Confirm the gid of lnxgrp
Type date in the same shell you used to complete step 5 and take a screenshot of the output from
step 5a and 5b and the date command.
Part Two – Files and Permissions
1. As userp1 on server1, create file file1 and directory directory1 under /tmp in a shell.
2. Change the owning user for file1 to userp2 (you’ll need to create the user; specify ID
5001 and GID 6000) and owning group to lnxgrp.
3. List the contents of /tmp using the command ls -laht
4. Change the owning user and group on directory1 to userp2:lnxgroup2 (you’ll need to
create the group; specific GID 6001) recursively.
5. List the contents of /tmp using the command ls -laht
Type date in the same shell you used to complete the above steps and take a screenshot showing
the output from steps along with the date command.