You are the nurse in a local emergency department. You are seeing a 59-year-old man who was injured at home. He fell after quickly rising from a chair

You are the nurse in a local emergency department. You are seeing a 59-year-old man who was injured at home. He fell after quickly rising from a chair. Upon falling, he struck his head on a corner table and received a laceration over his left eye that will require sutures. During your patient interview, you learn that he is taking blood pressure medication (antihypertensives) and blood thinners (anticoagulants) and has been feeling weak for some time. In addition, he tells you that when he arose from the chair, he became dizzy and tripped over a rug.


Nursing Assessment 

Mr. R. is alert and oriented when you see him. His vital signs are within normal limits for him, although he has signs of orthostatic hypotension. His blood pressure is 130/90 mm Hg when sitting and drops to 90/70 mm Hg when standing. He has some bruising on his arms that he says he sustained when working in his yard. He states he would like help preventing problems like this in the future.



  1. ASSESS — Identify the significant symptoms by underlining them in the assessment.
  2. List those symptoms (those you have underlined) that indicate the patient has a health problem
  3. Group the symptoms that are similar.

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