Progress Note, Ventilator Assist
This is a subsequent hospital visit by Dr. Ortez for this patient.
LOCATION: Inpatient, Hospital
PATIENT: Manuel Sanchez
PHYSICIAN: Rolando Ortez, MD
SUBJECTIVE: This baby boy is slightly under 24 hours.
OBJECTIVE: Weight today is 1.851 kg (increased 43 grams over birth weight). OFC is 30.5 cm (unchanged). Intake and output from yesterday do appear adequate, although it was less than 24 hours. He has had no stool since birth. Vital signs reveal his temperature to be acceptable while being maintained on an open radiant warmer. Heart rate is generally in the 110s-140s. Respiratory rate is generally equal to the IMV (60). Mean blood pressures had decreased last night to the low 30s but are now in the low to mid 40s while on dopamine infusion.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: In general, he is pink concurrent with ventilator setting. He does appear slightly dysmorphic with eyes wide set and slightly down-slanting palpebral fissures. Ears appear low set and posteriorly rotated. Endotracheal tube is in place. Chest reveals symmetric expansion and the lungs are clear to auscultation on current ventilator settings. Cardiac exam reveals a regular rate without murmur or click. Peripheral pulses are 2+ and symmetric. Abdominal exam reveals an umbilical arterial catheter in place. Liver is palpable 1 cm below the right costal margin. No splenomegaly or masses were noted. Genital examination reveals normal male, testes are not palpable. Extremity examination reveals no fixed decreased range of motion, deformity, or joint abnormality. Neurologic exam reveals diffuse hypotonia. No focal deficits are appreciated.
LABORATORY STUDIES: Last arterial blood gas was obtained on ventilator settings of IMV 60, pressure 22/4, and Fio2 0.53 and revealed pH 7.3, Pco2 46.6, Po2 52.7, and bicarbonate 22.7. Chemistry panel this morning revealed sodium 123, potassium 5.7, chloride 93, glucose 66, BUN 12, creatinine 0.9, calcium 7.3, magnesium 5.4, phosphorus 6.8, bilirubin 4.4, alkaline phosphatase 200, ALT 14, AST 38, albumin 1.7, and total protein 3.6. Electrolytes were repeated and were unchanged. CBC with differential this morning revealed a white count of 8230 with 6 bands, 45 neutrophils, 31 lymphocytes, 7 monocytes, and 7 eosinophils. Platelet count was 98,000. Chest x-ray continues to show significant evidence of hyaline membrane disease.
SOCIAL HISTORY: Mom and dad have been kept up to date with regard to their son’s condition. Their questions have been answered, and they are in agreement with the outlined management plan.
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