Choose and consider a product you recently purchased and are now using

  1. Choose and consider a product you recently purchased and are now using.
  2. What is that product? Give the SKU code, name, brand, price, etc.- the more details, the better it is.


  1. From where (which retailer, store, etc.) and how (store visit, delivery, etc.) you bought that product?



  1. Go to the product’s website and gather as detailed information as possible. Who is the manufacturer of that product? Where is the product “manufactured”?



  1. Who are the Tier-1 suppliers of the manufacturer of that product? How about Tier-2 suppliers?



  1. What are the distribution/marketing channels for that product?



  1. Is the product “sustainable”? If so, how?



  1. What is its return policy?



  1. How did you make your decision to purchase that specific product instead of another alternative? What factors did you consider in your purchase decision? Which one influenced you most?

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