1. Thorazine 30 mg IM is ordered for your patient. The available concentration is 25 mg/mL. What amount will you give? a. 0.75 mL b. 1mL c. 1.2 mL d. 2 mL 2. Three milligrams of Haldol IM are ordered for your patient. On your unit, Haldol is available in 2 mL ampules that contain 5 mg/mL. What amount will you give? a. 0.4 mL b. 1.5 mL c. 1 mL d. 0.6 mL 3.375 mg of Tetracycline syrup is ordered; available solution contains 125 mg/teaspoon. How much will you give? a. 1/3 tsp b. 3 tsp c. 1 tsp d. 2 tsp 4. Tetracycline 0.25 g is ordered; available solution contains 50 mg/mL. How many mL will you give? a. 5 mL b. 2 mL c. 0.5 mL d. 1 mL 5. A solution contains morphine hydrochloride 2 mg/mL. How many milligrams of morphine hydrochloride are in 7 mL of solution? a. 0.28 mg b. 3.5 mg c. 140 mg d. 14 mg 6. An injection of morphine 8 mg is ordered. Ampoules on hand contain 10 mg in 1 mL. What volume must be drawn up the injection? a. 0.6 mL b. 0.8 mL c. 1.25 mL d. 1.5 mL